C-Word Essentials


There’s no denying COVID-19 has thrown us all a (rather huge and unprecedented) curveball. While we’re not typically ones for over-sharing on a personal level, as brands and businesses across the globe battle the impact of the pandemic, we have noticed a few positives start to emerge; one being our communal desire for more communication as we rally together (virtually) while practicing social distancing and good hygiene.

History has also shown that some of the most innovative ideas come from the darkest times and as marketers, especially; this is our time. So from our limited experience in just a few short weeks, here are some of the best things we’ve seen and implemented for our clients, to give you some inspiration and ideas to keep going even when times seem tough:

1. Quickly switching your business to be more accessible online; whether that’s raising your online profile, diversifying your online product offering or switching some of your in-person services to online

2. Breaking down your product or service offering into bite-sized pieces that are more accessible to your customers; while big-ticket items may be off the list, people are still looking for ways to treat themselves by buying small luxury items—it’s called the ‘the lipstick effect’

3. Re-branding a business you knew needed an upgrade but were too busy to pull the trigger on; with business-as-unusual for the time being, suddenly we have the time and mental clarity to move forward with important projects that were forever on the back-burner

4. Executing with real value on social media; rather than pushing out posts that look good and say nothing, people are sharing their knowledge, giving back, and building a community for when things go back to normal

5. Prioritising internal communications; whether that’s a weekly firm-wide call or sharing regular updates by email or Slack, to boost employee morale and provide reassurance and hope in uncertain times

6. Practising slow marketing (which is not easy when traditionally it’s all about strategies that promote consumerism); think quality over quantity, evergreen over disposable and long-term wins over short-term gains

7. Sharing ideas with your competitors and rallying together as an industry to not only make your category more connected but also more visible as a whole to your target audiences

 In short: over the coming weeks and months, let’s look at everything that’s happening around us as an opportunity to get creative, band together and be brave. We’re all in this together and if we can support you in any way, we’re here to help now or on the other side. 

Sending you good vibes, virtual elbow bumps and plenty of hand sanitiser (if we could get hold of a bottle).
